The back story

As you may know, I have co-taught a Sociology course at NDSU that culminates with a service trip to Guatemala for the last couple years. This experience has provided me with amazing insight and has allowed me to learn a great deal about the world, its citizens, my students, and most of all, myself. I am amazed at how fortunate I am to have had such profound opportunities at such a young age. I am grateful for these endeavors and look forward to giving back to my global community. At the start of this journey, I had expected that I would work with the family of the child that I sponsor in Antigua... I would be doing just that, but another donor was identified and funds were procured so that she and her family could move in months earlier than expected.

This news opens the opportunity to impact another very worthy family. The family that I will now be working with has been living in a garbage dump. The family collects plastic bottles and sells them for recycling. The meager amount that they make from this job has not allowed them to have a house with a concrete floor... I believe this is truly a silver lining to the story... Two amazing and great families will have roofs over their heads.

In my efforts to give back, I have melded my creativity with my energy and desire to  move myself to new levels. And it is with this on my mind that I come to you.  To build a house on this land it will cost approximately $2,000. This family, though, needs land, which is an additional $2,000. This brings my fundraising goal to $4,000. I want to do everything that I can to help make this family’s dream a reality. For the last six months I have been training for the Lake Wobegon Marathon in May of 2010. The time that I’ve devoted to running has allowed me to reflect on the experiences that I’ve been granted. I started training with a mission to do something productive and positive with this journey. I am asking you to support me in my endeavor. Please consider sponsoring me as I move forward with both the goal of raising funds for the family and completing the 26.2 mile run.

I will be accepting pledges for each mile that I run. For example, if you pledge $1 per mile and I am able to complete the run, a donation of $26.20 would be made to the fund for the house. 100% of the money collected will go directly to the efforts associated with the program. Every amount would help and of course, if you’d rather make a general donation, it will also be greatly appreciated. If finances are tight and you are unable to give monetarily, please know that I will need oodles of moral support during this time. I will be keeping a blog as I detail my training journeys and I hope that you’ll engage in this pursuit with me.