Somehow yesterday I completed a 20 mile run. I'm not entirely sure how I did it... but I did. It wasn't pretty or quick by any means... but that's not my point. My goal was to do something that would challenge myself while simultaneously creating a wave of awareness for the families, children and friends that I've grown so close to in Guatemala. I think I've been fairly successful in the endeavor. People look at me strangely when I'm on campus.. probably because I was on the homepage for a couple weeks. People at the gym sometimes take a double take, and well, perhaps that's because I was on the news multiple times... and then of course facebook... I think that "my network" has been inundated with updates and messages about this journey. I don't think I would have been half as successful if I hadn't had both the support, encouragement and assistance of all those who passed on a link or told someone they knew about my project. It truly has been incredible and to know that collectively, we've been able to raise almost $5,500 is pretty amazing. I know that the families and children will be overwhelmed by the graciousness of all those who have contributed. I can't wait to be able to take pictures with them and post them to this site. It will be wonderful, indeed!

This weekend was very fun. The project had a fundraiser in Fargo and I got the opportunity to see some of my top 10 most inspiring people. It was great to be able to chat and laugh and enjoy the company of these people who have continued to pour their hearts into the project to make this all possible. I love to be in their company and share in their journeys. It's not always often that our paths are able to cross, so when they do, I look forward to it immensely. Yesterday (Sunday) was consumed by the 20 mile run. For those of you who live in Fargo, you may have saw me.. I scaled all areas of fargo, from 32nd avenue south to 19th avenue north.... and back again... I've had multiple people tell me that they saw me yesterday. I hope I didn't look how I felt on the inside :)

Today I'm working on my thesis and enjoying the incredible weather. I have a lawn chair perched right out in front of the house with my laptop plugged into an outdoor outlet. It's hot, and I love it... :) I haven't been able to enjoy this kind of weather in what seems like eons and now that it's here, it lifts my spirits and makes me about as close to jubilant as I get (for those of you who know me well, I'm a true pessimist at heart.... and I've learned to be okay with that :)

Anyhow, life is good and this week is full of more fun times. I get to see Frank Warren from PostSecret AND Jackson Katz... things are pretty good if you ask me :)

Oh, and if you haven't checked out this article, please do and pass it on... I'm hoping to catch the eye of CNN :)
Cheers to this 18th day of April!
Well, today, I come to you all with a new fundraising goal. Why? You ask...., well, somehow land was purchased for the incorrect family in Guatemala. Family structures are often messy in Guatemala due to the nature of blended families and that complicated the purchasing of land. Two families were living together and it wasn't clear who was related to whom. Apparently the incorrect last name was used in paperwork and that means that the family I am raising awareness of aren't the receivers of that plot. But, do not fear... I talked to Chris Mathew, who is located at the Bismarck Office. He just returned from Guatemala and proposed this option: Raise $6,000 and build homes for ALL THREE FAMILIES. I'm super excited about this proposition... .so, I have $800 to go before I reach that new goal to provide shelter and homes for THREE amazing families. Thanks for all your generous support through this. I couldn't be more excited!
The past week has been pretty incredible. I've had the opportunity to spread the message of this project further than I thought it would ever go. The WDAY news team did a great feature on the project last Monday evening. You can see the clip HERE. Thanks to the efforts of the individual who interviewed me, Kevin Wallevand, and the people of Fargo-Moorhead, I am proud to say that I have both met and exceeded my original goal. I couldn't be more excited about the momentum that this project has created and I just want people to keep contributing to the amazing people who are part of the Project in Guatemala. The family Vasquez doesn't know that they will be the recipients of a home, but I've put my great friend Victor in charge of giving them the great news. He plans to do it next week, as he is currently in El Salvador building homes for other individuals for the remainder of the week.

While talking to some of the employees at the Project in Guatemala, they brought to my attention a family that has recently become apparent to the Project as individuals in need. They consist of a single mother, age 27 and 3 boys ages 11, 7, and 5... but in this story, it's the mother whom I connect with. She's almost my age... exactly... and has 3 children.. a feat I could not begin to imagine. In efforts to feed these children, she's become a victim of corruption and sexual exploitation in Guatemala. In a last ditch effort to save her family and herself, she signed up her children for school at the Dreamer Center. It is this family, the Hernández Beteta family that I now bring to you. The parallels of this story to my story are unmistakable yet difficult to imagine. I hope with sincerity that individuals will continue to support this project, as it's about the families and people of Guatemala... each and every one of them.

The support has been truly incredible this week and it still astounds me when I receive calls or e-mails from people wishing to contribute. Thank you. Really, we're changing lives together. Cheers to this Monday morning and to the start of a fresh week.
Looking to contribute to the fund to raise $4,000? click HERE! :)

-Special thanks!
This weekend I ran 19 miles in one outing. I never thought I'd be saying that... but, it's true and I'm pretty excited about it :) It was exhausting and mentally draining, but... I did it :) It was the first time I had run with someone for an extended period of time... and my brother and I discovered that we have nearly the exact same stride. It was a bit creepy and fun all at the same time.

The change of scenery was very welcome; I got to see all sorts of crazy dog breeds and even a few of my personal favorite, the samoyed. The weather cooperated... for the most part. The wind was a bit out-of-control.. but, I managed to overcome it.

Easter Sunday was fabulous and relaxing. I got to catch up with old friends I haven't seen in way too long.  We shared laughs and stories of old times and it reminded me why we were so close back in the days of high school.

Today it's been all about transcribing and cleaning the house.. as it has its first showing tonight! The sun is shining and I'm eager to enjoy the day. Thanks to all those people who have recently contributed to the project. Together, we're inching closer to the goal of $4,000! Be sure to check the "special thanks" page... those are the people who have made this whole journey possible.

cheers to a beautiful day!
tomorrow is a big day: 19 miles. Today I plan to take it pretty easy. We're heading to the cities to celebrate spring with my brother and some friends... so, today will be spent heading to the mall of america in search of a new dress and then hitting up a coffee shop so that I can continue to transcribe and michael can do some homework that he has left to do before the long weekend.  I'm so excited to get to the cities; it's been months since we've been able to get down there and it's always fun to spend some time away from fargo.

In other news, I got an e-mail from WDAY (a tv station in Fargo) inviting me to do an interview with them next week. So, on Wednesday of next week, I'll be shooting a little bit of video footage that will hopefully be aired that evening. I'm excited for this story to be taking another avenue to reach people I just want people to hear the story and know that there are people that desperately need  to be heard and recognized. I'm hoping that I can be that messenger.

The Guatemala class at NDSU is moving along so wonderfully. The students are incredible and each year it's a totally different experience that completely ceases to amaze me. It's something special that happens in the classroom that provides for a really unique experience. I'm grateful that I've been able to be a part of this often life-changing experience.

Cheers to a long weekend!




I feel like my running is at about 85%. I've had quite a few weeks of less-than motivating running and that has really had a profound impact on my successes. I feel myself coming out of the slump... even if it may be ever so gradually. A few really big things have happened thus far this week:

* I hit the $3,000 fundraising mark! I'm so overjoyed with this outpouring of support for the family I'm working with. I think beyond just the actual funds that have been raised, an immense amount of awareness has been raised. Even if people aren't able to contribute... they are listening to the stories and the reality of the people we go to serve... I hope I'm making it a teensy bit more tangible for people to understand. If you'd like to see the story written... just go HERE... :)

* I registered for the marathon... that means I'm an official participant and there is no backing out... hoo ra to that! It's exciting and nerve-racking at the same time!

I'm mentally starting to build for the 19 miler that is this weekend. I'll be running it in minneapolis... so I'm eager to have a change of scenery ... and water fountains :)

Hope you're doing well... cheers to the gorgeous weather!
It's another beautiful day here in Fargo-Moorhead and I couldn't be more appreciative. I simply LOVE spring... and it has finally sprung here! Yesterday I put in my 'short' 13 mile run outside and for the first time, I enjoyed it A LOT. The sun was warm on my back and I was able to focus on the good components of what was around me... quite a change from the last attemps at outdoor long run. Things are progressing well with the training. I feel like I'm slowly moving out of my slump from last week. I am looking forward to the big weekend run ahead... 19 miles! I will be in the cities with my brother for the holiday weekend. He lives right by lake calhoun which is a perfect 3 mile perimeter accompanied by walking sidewalks and other people who are exercising. I feel like I will be a very happy camper to have a bit of  a change of scenery and a running partner. And, since the weather in Minneapolis tends to be more mild than here in Fargo, I'm hopeful that it will be nice outside as well :)

Today, I'm doing my first interview for my thesis research. I'm excited and nervous and eager to get this thing under way. I will be pretty busy with interviews and transcribing for the weeks to come. Anyway, here's to a Monday that is full of sunshine and a holiday at the end of it! Cheers everyone !! :)
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping... and there are about 40 mph wind gusts... meaning that my plans for a brisk jog in the outdoors this morning will have to be relocated to the YMCA. I'm okay with that... it means that I have easy access to water, won't get rained on and can know exactly how long it will take me to complete the run. :)

I'm postponing my long run until Sunday this week. I serve on the North Dakota Student Association and we have our monthly meeting this evening and tomorrow in Wahpeton. I simply can not handle riding in a car (for any amount of time) and then motivating myself to hit the road for any length of time. I'm being proactive and decided rather than feeling defeated, I'll make the training plan work for me.

One other thing... if you haven't checked out the "more of the story" page, please do. The whole purpose of this experience is to raise enough money to buy land and the materials to build a house for an incredibly deserving family in Guatemala. They are the reason for the running. :) Cheers; it's FRIDAY!
A great video that gives more information about the Project in Guatemala!
    Wordle: guatemala